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Engels-Nederlands woordenboek

Dutch-English translation for: water-ballast
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Dictionary Dutch English: water ballast

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naut. ballastwater {het}ballast water
Partial Matches
een glas watera glass of water
tuin. bloemen water gevento water flowers
tuin. planten water gevento water plants
kokend water {het}boiling water
zoet water {het}fresh water
water {het}water
tech. watergekoeld {adj}water-cooled
chem. ammoniakwater {het}ammonia water
aquariumwater {het}aquarium water
relig. doopwater {het}baptismal water
gastr. flessenwater {het}bottled water
brouw. brouwwater {het}brewing water
voed. gazeuse {de}carbonated water
chem. chloorwater {het}chlorine water
gastr. kokoswater {het}coconut water
koudwater {het}cold water
koelwater {het}cooling water
chem. kristalwater {het}crystal water
drinkwater {het}drinking water
gastr. gemberwater {het}ginger water
relig. wijwater {het}holy water
heetwater {het}hot water
ijswater {het}ice water
geogr. hydro. binnenwater {het}inland water
lavendelwater {het}lavender water
mineraalwater {het}mineral water
geol. hydro. bergwater {het}mountain water
milieu vijverwater {het}pond water
hydro. meteo. neerslagwater {het}precipitation water
gastr. genees. rijstewater {het}rice water
hydro. rivierwater {het}river water
cosm. gastr. rozenwater {het}rose water
douchewater {het}shower water
zeepwater {het}soapy water
bronwater {het}spring water
suikerwater {het}sugar water
suikerwater {het}sugared water
hydro. oppervlaktewater {het}surface water
kraanwater {het}tap water
thermaalwater {het}thermal water
waswater {het}washing water
hydro. milieu waterschap {het}water authority
waterbekken {het}water basin
sport waterbasketbal {het}water basketball
meubel waterbed {het}water bed
waterfles {de}water bottle
waterglijbaan {de}water chute
waterdroppel {de}water drop
waterdruppel {de}water drop
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