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Dutch-English translation for: to run into
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Dictionary Dutch English: to run into

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

tegenkomento run into [meet by chance]
Partial Matches
sport hardlopento run
rennento run
weglopento run away
verwaarloosd {adj}run-down
aanloop {de}run-up
besturento run [manage, lead]
recht verk. vluchtmisdrijf {het}hit and run
luidento run [story, headline, etc.]
iem. oppakkento run sb. in [coll.]
zeg. de lakens uitdelento run the show
verk. ongeval {het} met vluchtmisdrijfhit-and-run accident
op de lange duur {adv}in the long run
napluizento look into
inslaanto turn into
onderzoekento inquire into
onderduikento go into hiding
veranderen into turn into
inscheppento spoon in / into
ontstaanto come into being
belandento get into sth.
verzeilento get into sth.
terechtkomento get into sth.
indompelento plunge in / into
induikento plunge in / into
in ballingschap gaanto go into exile
zich begeven naar ...to go to/into ...
in tranen uitbarstento burst into tears
in paniek rakento get into a panic
gastr. vlees {het} in reepjesmeat cut into strips
iem. iets wijsmakento fool sb. into believing sth.
iem. in hechtenis nemento take sb. into custody
iets onder woorden brengento put sth. into words
iets aan iem. doorspelento play sth. into sb.'s hands
zich iets aanwennento get into the habit of doing sth.
zeg. iets van a tot z lezen [fig.]to run through sth. from A to Z
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