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Dutch-English translation for: to hand in
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Dictionary Dutch English: to hand in

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inleverento hand in
Partial Matches
met de hand {adv}by hand
hand {de}hand
gevento hand
tweedehands {adj}second-hand
manueel {adv}by hand
afstaanto hand over
handspiegel {de}hand mirror
handbagage {de}hand luggage
wapens handgranaat {de}hand grenade
meehelpento lend a hand
cosm. handzeep {de}hand soap
handpop {de}(hand) puppet
horloges secondewijzer {de}second hand
cosm. handcrème {de}hand cream
linkerhand {de}left hand
anat. rechterhand {de}right hand
van de hand wijzento decline
daarentegen {adv}on the other hand
rechterzijde {de}right-hand side
anderzijds {adv}on the other hand
linkerzijde {de}left-hand side
enerzijds {adv}on the one hand
linkerkant {de}left-hand side
auto tweedehandsauto {de}second-hand car
auto handel werk tweedehandsautoverkoper {de}second-hand car dealer
anat. handrug {de}back of the hand
oog-handcoördinatie {de}eye-hand coordination
anat. handrug {de}back of one's hand
aan de ene kant {adv}on the one hand
aan de rechterkant {adv}on the right-hand side
film F Lessen in liefde [Ingmar Bergman]A Lesson in Love
midden in de rimboe {adv}in the middle of nowhere
in de verste verte nietnot in the least
interesse in iets opwekkento kindle an interest in sth.
in staat van oorlogin a state of war
in het Nederlands / Engels / Duits {adv}in Dutch / English / German
vroeg in de morgen {adv}early in the morning
lit. F In koelen bloedeIn Cold Blood [Truman Capote]
in de nasleep van ...in the wake of ...
in de brede zin {adv}in the broad sense
in iem./iets gelovento believe in sb./sth.
in de loop der jaren {adv}in the course of years
in de loop der tijd {adv}in the course of time
zeg. de handdoek in de ring gooiento throw in the towel
in naam van de koning {adv}in the name of the king
spreekw. met de neus in de boter vallen [fig.]to be in luck
in eerste instantie {adv}in the first place
in de tweede versnelling {adv}in second gear
in het rood gekleed {adv}dressed in red
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