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Dutch-English translation for: over
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Dictionary Dutch English: over

Translation 1 - 38 of 38


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ADJ   over | more over | most over
NOUN   an over | overs
over {prep}
over {adv} {prep}
voorbij {adv}
over [finished]
spreekw. Alsof er een engeltje over je tong piest.[Said of something that is absolutely delicious.]
over {prep}across
over het algemeen {adv}generally
ruim {prep}over [more than]
over iets nadenkento consider
nadenken over [piekeren]to mull
over het hoofd ziento overlook [fail to see]
2 Words: Others
boven de 50 {adv}over 50 [items or age]
daarginder {adv}over there
daarginds {adv}over there
daarheen {adv}over there
gesch. Unverified ginds {adv}over there [on the other side of the Berlin wall]
verheugd overpleased about
2 Words: Verbs
omvallento fall over
iets doornemento go over sth.
afstaanto hand over
zwevento hover (over)
overnemento take over
aankijkento think over
overdenkento think over
omslaanto turn over
overhalento win over
zich ongerust maken over ietsto worry about sth.
3 Words: Others
kwart overa quarter past
zielsgelukkig {adj}over the moon
3 Words: Verbs
kwaadspreken over iem.to speak evil of sb.
3 Words: Nouns
over-over-grootvader {de}great-great-grandfather
belasting {de} over de toegevoegde waarde <BTW>value-added tax <VAT>
4 Words: Verbs
zeg. in geuren en kleuren vertellen over iem./ietsto comment in detail on sb./sth.
5+ Words: Others
spreekw. Unverified alsof er een engeltje over je tong piestwhen something tastes really good
5+ Words: Verbs
op de vingers getikt wordento be rapped over the knuckles
zeg. iem. op de vingers tikkento give sb. a rap on / over / across the knuckles
zeg. iem. op de vingers tikkento rap sb. on / over / across the knuckles
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Schaduw over Los AngelesCriss Cross [Robert Siodmak]
lit. F Over de rand van de wereldDirt Music [Tim Winton]
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