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Engels-Nederlands woordenboek

Dutch-English translation for: leg in plaster
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Dictionary Dutch English: leg in plaster

Translation 1 - 50 of 402  >>

genees. gipsbeen {het}leg in plaster
Partial Matches
aanstrijkento plaster
bepleisterento plaster
genees. gipsverband {het}plaster
pleister {de}plaster
gipsmodel {het}plaster model
mineral. gips {het}plaster [plaster of Paris]
been {het}leg
poot {de}leg
genees. beenprothese {de}artificial leg
genees. beenbreuk {de}broken leg
meubel stoelpoot {de}chair leg
genees. beenbreuk {de}fractured leg
genees. beenamputatie {de}leg amputation
genees. beenverlenging {de}leg elongation
genees. beenblessure {de}leg injury
beenbeweging {de}leg movement
FarTech. genees. beenprothese {de}leg prosthesis
kled. beenwarmers {mv}leg warmers
genees. beenwond {de}leg wound
genees. beenprothese {de}prosthetic leg
beenharen {mv}leg hair {sg} [collectively]
in {prep}in
eenheid Engelse duim {de}inch <in.>
chem. indium {het} <In>indium <In>
bijkomend {adv}in addition
daarenboven {adv}in addition
van tevoren {adv}in advance
vooraf {adv}in advance
vooruit {adv}in advance
daartussen {adv}in between
ertussenin {adv}in between
in het geval {conj}in case
fin. contant {adj} {adv}in cash
in de kerk {adv}in church
oneens {adj}in disagreement
eigenlijk {adv}in fact
feitelijk {adv}in fact
in feite {adv}in fact
in februari {adv}in February
vooraan {adv}in front
in het algemeen {adv}in general
achteraf gezien {adv}in hindsight
daarin {adv}in it
in de gevangenis {adv}in jail
in werking {adv}in operation
in het bijzonder {adv}in particular
namelijk {adv}in particular
terloops {adv}in passing
in de praktijk {adv}in practice
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