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Dutch-English translation for: lead poisoning
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Dictionary Dutch English: lead poisoning

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

NOUN   a lead poisoning | lead poisonings
SYNO   lead poisoning | plumbism | saturnism
genees. loodvergiftiging {de}lead poisoning
Partial Matches
genees. koolmonoxidevergiftiging {de} <CO-vergiftiging>carbon monoxide poisoning <CO poisoning>
vergiftiging {de}poisoning
genees. alcoholvergiftiging {de}alcohol poisoning
genees. antimoonvergiftiging {de}antimony poisoning
genees. arseenvergiftiging {de}arsenic poisoning
genees. arsenicumvergiftiging {de}arsenic poisoning
genees. bariumvergiftiging {de}barium poisoning
genees. bloedvergiftiging {de}blood poisoning
genees. chroomvergiftiging {de}chrome poisoning
genees. fluorvergiftiging {de}fluorine poisoning
genees. voedselvergiftiging {de}food poisoning
genees. mosselvergiftiging {de}mussel poisoning
genees. nicotinevergiftiging {de}nicotine poisoning
genees. rookvergiftiging {de}smoke poisoning
genees. vanadiumvergiftiging {de}vanadium poisoning
genees. zinkvergiftiging {de}zinc poisoning
genees. kwikvergiftiging {de}mercury poisoning <MP>
gifmoord {de}murder by poisoning
gifmoord {de}poisoning [resulting in murder]
leidento lead
aanwijzing {de}lead
hint {de}lead
journ. hoofdartikel {het}lead [Am.]
chem. lood {het} <Pb>lead <Pb>
genees. abdominale afleiding {de}abdominal lead
journ. hoofdartikel {het}lead article
chem. loodatoom {het}lead atom
chem. loodverbinding {de}lead compound
chem. looddibromide {het} [PbBr2]lead dibromide
genees. loodvergiftiging {de}lead intoxication
chem. loodisotoop {de}lead isotope
chem. loodtetra-acetaat {het} [C8H12O8Pb, Pb(C2H3O2)4, Pb(CH3COO)4]lead tetraacetate
film theater hoofdrol {de}lead [leading part]
naut. peillood {het}lead [sounding line]
grafiet {het}black lead [graphite]
hondelijn {de}dog lead [Br.]
chem. lood(II)bromide {het} [PbBr2]lead(II) bromide
chem. lood(II)nitraat {het} [Pb(NO3)2]lead(II) nitrate
chem. lood(IV)acetaat {het} [C8H12O8Pb, Pb(C2H3O2)4, Pb(CH3COO)4]lead(IV) acetate
chem. lood(II)sulfaat {het} [PbSO4]lead(II) sulfate [Am.]
chem. lood(II)sulfide {het} [PbS]lead(II) sulfide [Am.]
chem. lood(II)sulfide {het} [PbS]lead(II) sulphide [Br.]
loodzwaar {adj}as heavy as lead
spreekw. Alle wegen leiden naar Rome.All roads lead to Rome.
lijntrekkento swing the lead [Br.] [sl.] [fig.]
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