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Dutch-English translation for: conductor\'s
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Dictionary Dutch English: conductor 's

Translation 1 - 50 of 462  >>

muziek dirigeerstok {de}(conductor's) baton
Partial Matches
muziek werk dirigent {de}conductor
chem. fys. geleider {de}conductor
muziek gastdirigent {de}guest conductor
muziek werk operadirigent {de}opera conductor
muziek werk operadirigent {de}operatic conductor
muziek chef-dirigent {de} [ook: chefdirigent]principal conductor
muziek favoriete dirigent {de}favorite conductor [Am.]
muziek lievelingsdirigent {de}favorite conductor [Am.]
muziek favoriete dirigent {de}favourite conductor [Br.]
muziek lievelingsdirigent {de}favourite conductor [Br.]
iemands {pron}somebody's
iemands {pron}someone's
beenhouwerij {de} [BN]butcher's
slagerij {de}butcher's
handel viswinkel {de}fishmonger's
handel tuin. bloemenwinkel {de}florist's
chem. zwavel {de} <S>sulphur <S>
vleeshaak {de}S-hook
drogisterij {de}chemist's [Br.]
chem. zwavel {de} <S>sulfur <S> [Am.]
Het sneeuwt.It's snowing.
andermans {pron}somebody else's
andermans {pron}someone else's
relig. abdissenkruis {het}abbess's cross
anat. adamsappel {de} [Prominentia laryngea]Adam's apple
apoth. handel apotheek {de}apothecary's shop
archi. architectenbureau {het}architect's office
ezelmelk {de}ass's milk
vastg. babykamer {de}baby's room
fys. Balmerformule {de}Balmer's formula
vogelk. vogelnest {het}bird's nest
bisschopsring {de}bishop's ring
boksersneus {de}boxer's nose
publ. jongensboek {het}boy's book
wisk. stelling {de} van BrianchonBrianchon's theorem
gastr. buffelmelk {de}buffalo's milk
gastr. werkt. vleeshaak {de}butcher's hook
gastr. kamelenmelk {de}camel's milk
kattenbak {de} [kattentoilet]cat's tray
meubel kinderbed {het}child's bed
fiets kinderfiets {de}child's bicycle
kindergezicht {het}child's face
kinderspel {het}child's play
kunst kinderportret {het}child's portrait
gastr. kinderlepel {de}child's spoon
fiets kinderfiets {de}children's bicycle
lit. publ. kinderboek {het}children's book
muziek kinderkoor {het}children's choir
kindercircus {het}children's circus
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