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Dutch-English translation for: car
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Dictionary Dutch English: car

Translation 1 - 50 of 112  >>

NOUN   a car | cars
SYNO   car | railcar | railroad car ... 
auto {de}
2 Words: Others
met de auto {adv}by car
autovrij {adj}car-free
2 Words: Nouns
auto amerikaan {de} [omg.]American car
verk. autoaccident {het}car accident
verk. auto-ongeluk {het}car accident
verk. auto-ongeval {het}car accident
auto autobatterij {de}car battery
autobom {de}car bomb
auto achterbak {de}car boot [Br.]
auto autokoffer {de}car boot [Br.]
autokoper {de}car buyer
autoachtervolging {de}car chase
handel werk autodealer {de}car dealer
handel werk autohandelaar {de}car dealer
verk. autodichtheid {de}car density
auto autodeur {de}car door
autobestuurder {de}car driver
autorijder {de}car driver
auto verk. autorijden {het}car driving
auto autokerkhof {het}car dump
auto auto-expert {de}car expert
auto ind. autofabriek {de}car factory
naut. autoveer {het}car ferry
autogek {de}car freak [coll.]
autoverhuur {de}car hire
auto econ. ind. Unverified automobielbranche {de}car industry
auto econ. ind. automobielindustrie {de}car industry
econ. auto-industrie {de}car industry
verzek. autoverzekering {de}car insurance
verzek. autoverzekeraar {de}car insurer
auto werkt. autokrik {de}car jack
transp. autoreis {de}car journey
auto autosleutel {de}car key
autoslot {het}car lock
auto journ. publ. autoblad {het}car magazine
auto automerk {het}car make
auto ind. autobouwer {de}car maker
auto ind. autoconstructeur {de}car maker
auto ind. automaker {de}car maker
auto ind. autobouwer {de}car manufacturer
auto ind. autoconstructeur {de}car manufacturer
auto ind. automobielfabrikant {de}car manufacturer
auto ind. automobielproducent {de}car manufacturer
auto handel automobielmarkt {de}car market
auto werk automecanicien {de}car mechanic
auto werk automonteur {de}car mechanic
automodel {het}car model
auto automuseum {het}car museum
autolawaai {het}car noise
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