| Dutch | English | |
| kunst F Morgenrit langs het strand [Anton Mauve] | Morning Ride along the Beach [also: Morning Ride on the Beach] | |
Partial Matches |
| Unverified strandwandeling {de} | walk along the beach | |
| gesch. Unverified ginds {adv} | over there [on the other side of the Berlin wall] | |
| Unverified bazuinkoor {de} [SN] | [a small brass ensemble, often with percussion, that plays festive and religious music in the tradition of the Moravian Church on special occasions such as birthdays and funerals] | |
| onderweg {adv} | along the way | |
| geogr. toerisme Noordzeestrand {het} | beach on the North Sea | |
| lit. F Het wonderbaarlijke voorval met de hond in de nacht | The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [Mark Haddon] | |
| 's morgens {adv} | in the morning | |
| 's ochtends {adv} | in the morning | |
| vroeg in de morgen {adv} | early in the morning | |
| sport ochtendgymnastiek {de} | exercises {pl} in the morning | |
| gesch. Sahoere {de} [ook: Sahoera] [farao van de 5e dynastie] | Sahure [also: Sahura] [pharaoh of the 5th dynasty] | |
| motorrijden | to bike [coll.] [ride a motorcycle] | |
| gesch. persoonsbewijs {het} <PB> | [identity card required by the German administration during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands] | |
| Koningsdag {de} [NN] | King's Day [national holiday in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, marking the king's birthday] | |
| lit. F De droom van de Ier [Mario Vargas Llosa] | The Dream of the Celt | |
| lit. F De Romeinse lusthof | The Mansions of the Gods | |
| lit. F De heilige Antonio [Arnon Grunberg] | The Saint of the Impossible | |
| lit. F De stad en de honden [Mario Vargas Llosa] | The Time of the Hero | |
| lit. F De vrouw en de aap [Peter Høeg] | The Woman and The Ape | |
| midden op de dag {adv} | in the middle of the day | |
| in naam van de koning {adv} | in the name of the king | |
| spreekw. De morgenstond heeft goud in de mond. | The early bird catches the worm. | |
| spreekw. Nu komt de aap uit de mouw. | The cat is out of the bag. | |
| spreekw. Unverified Nu komt de aap uit de mouw | to let the cat out of the bag | |
| lit. F Moord in de pastorie | The Murder at the Vicarage [Agatha Christie] | |
| lit. F Moord op de golflinks | The Murder on the Links [Agatha Christie] | |
| lit. F De schreeuw van het lam | The Silence of the Lambs [Thomas Harris] | |
| lit. F De man in het bruine pak | The Man in the Brown Suit [Agatha Christie] | |
| zeg. Als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen op tafel. | When the cat's away, the mice will play. | |
| spreekw. met het verkeerde been uit bed stappen | to get up on the wrong side of the bed | |
| lit. F Een rooie aan de kant van de weg | Redhead by the Side of the Road [Anne Tyler] | |
| met de dag {adv} | by the day [+ comparative, e. g., better by the day] | |
| film lit. F De oude man en de zee | The Old Man and the Sea [novel: Ernest Hemingway, film: John Sturges] | |
| geogr. schoorwal {de} | sandspit [deposition bar or beach landform off coasts or lake shores] | |
| geogr. schoorwal {de} | spit [deposition bar or beach landform off coasts or lake shores] | |
| spreekw. Acht is meer dan duizend. | Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves. | |
| kern {de} [van een zaak] | heart [fig.] [e.g. the heart of the matter] | |
| strand {het} | beach | |
| Unverified basya {de} [SN] | [Amerindian assistant village chief; the lowest tier in the hierarchy of tribal authority] | |
| geogr. urban. randstad {de} | Randstad {f} [West-Dutch conurbation comprising the cities of The Hague, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht] | |
| gastr. strandbar {de} | beach bar | |
| kled. badmode {de} | beach fashion | |
| strandplezier {het} | beach fun | |
| strandbezoeker {de} | beach goer | |
| strandfeest {het} | beach party | |
| Unverified strandwandeling {de} | beach stroll | |
| Unverified strandwandeling {de} | beach walk | |
| strandbruiloft {de} | beach wedding | |
| geogr. toerisme Caraïbisch strand {het} | Caribbean beach | |