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Dutch-English translation for: Canary Island date palm
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Dictionary Dutch English: Canary Island date palm

Translation 1 - 69 of 69

NOUN   a Canary Island date palm | Canary Island date palms
bot. T
Partial Matches
bot. T
entom. T Unverified dadelpalm {de}date palm [phoenix dactylifera]
vogelk. T
kanarie {de}
geogr. Canarische Eilanden {mv}Canary Islands
vogelk. T
vogelk. T
zoöl. T
entom. T
zoöl. T
anat. handpalm {de}palm
anat. bot. T
palm {de}
bot. T
opdringento palm off
bot. palmblad {het}palm leaf
voed. palmolie {de}palm oil
relig. Palmpasen {de}Palm Sunday
relig. Palmzondag {de}Palm Sunday
bot. T
palm {de}
bot. T
bot. T
reisw. toerisme palmenstrand {het}palm-lined beach
entom. T Unverified palmtak {de}palm branch [also palm frond]
geogr. eiland {het}island
geogr. eylandt {het} [oud]island
bot. gastr. T
dadel {de}
datum {de}date
jaartal {het}date
geogr. Baffineiland {het}Baffin Island
geogr. Christmaseiland {het}Christmas Island
geogr. Paaseiland {het}Easter Island
toerisme vakantie-eiland {het}holiday island
thuiseiland {het}home island
geogr. eilandstrand {het}island beach
eilandcultuur {de}island culture
biol. eilanddwerggroei {de}island dwarfing
biol. eilandgigantisme {het}island gigantism
biol. eilandreusgroei {de}island gigantism
geogr. eilandengroep {de}island group
eilandenrijk {het}island kingdom
eilandleven {het}island life
eilandbevolking {de}island population
geogr. pol. eilandrepubliek {de}island republic
toerisme eilandhopping {de}island-hopping
keukeneiland {het}kitchen island
hoofdeiland {het}main island
thuiseiland {het}native island
geogr. eilandje {het}small island
vluchtheuvel {de}traffic island
geogr. vulkaaneiland {het}volcanic island
dateren uitto date from
reisw. toerisme aankomstdag {de}arrival date
vervaldatum {de}date due
leverdatum {de}delivery date
handel transp. leveringsdatum {de}delivery date
handel leveringstermijn {de}delivery date
openingsdatum {de}opening date
geogr. Lord Howe-eiland {het}Lord Howe Island
zoöl. T
zoöl. T
geboortedatum {de}date of birth
handel transp. leveringsdatum {de}date of delivery
handel leveringstermijn {de}date of delivery
toerisme vakantie-eiland {het}vacation island [esp. Am.]
ouderwets {adj}out of date [pred.]
ouderwets {adj}out-of-date [attr.]
internationale datumgrens {de}International Date Line <IDL>
geogr. Rhode Island {het} [staat van de Verenigde Staten]Rhode Island <RI> [Ocean State]
lit. F Eiland In BetonConcrete Island [J. G. Ballard]
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