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Dutch-English translation for: [sister\'s]
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Dictionary Dutch English: [sister 's]

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spreekw. Als een oude schuur brandt, is er geen blussen aan. [BN][If an old person falls in love, there's no stopping him. Literally: If an old barn catches fire, it's hard to put out the fire.]
handel Unverified zaken doento handel [obs.] [S.Afr.]
recht advocaat {de}advocate [Scot.] [S.Afr.]
sloperij {de} [mbt. auto's]scrapyard
spellen tikkertje {het}tag [children's game]
hobbelpaard {het}rocking horse [children's toy]
schommelpaard {het}rocking horse [children's toy]
lit. F Oeroeg [Hella S. Haasse]The Black Lake
lit. F De ingewijden [Hella S. Haasse]The Incrowd
Unverified festivalthema {het}festival theme [also: festival's theme]
genees. jonesfractuur {de}Jones fracture [also: Jones's fracture]
wisk. legendretransformatie {de}Legendre transformation [also: Legendre's transformation]
film Unverified Oscarwinnaar {de}Oscar® winner [trademark in U.S.]
lit. F De scharlaken stad [Hella S. Haasse]The Scarlet City
vogelk. T
lit. F Heren van de thee [Hella S. Haasse]The Tea Lords
bot. T
op stap gaanto go out [leave one's house, for entertainment]
lit. F Het woud der verwachting [Hella S. Haasse]In a Dark Wood Wandering
wisk. stelling {de} van PythagorasPythagoras' theorem [also: Pythagoras's theorem]
Koningsdag {de} [NN]King's Day [national holiday in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, marking the king's birthday]
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