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Dutch-English translation for: [o.a.]
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Dictionary Dutch English: [o a]

Translation 1 - 50 of 145  >>


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zijvlak {het} [o.a. van meerkantige boutkop]pane
orichinees {mv} [SN][relating to a knockoff, to a cheap imitation of a product by a well-known brand]
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
doen {het} opnemen in een instellingcommitment [the official consignment of a person to a mental hospital or prison]
Unverified baksies {de} [SN][something that is given free of charge with a purchase, usually more of the same product, by way of a discount.]
kwekerij {de} [SN][A farm where plants are grown, in particular for saplings, flowers and fruits (including culinary vegetables), often without harvesting the entire plant unless it is used as a sapling]
verklappento reveal [a secret]
aandachtig {adj}attentive [of a person]
pol. partijintern {adj}internal [within a party]
sjilpento cheep [of a bird]
tjilpento cheep [of a bird]
tsjilpento cheep [of a bird]
aannemento engage [for a job]
verhurento let [a room] [Br.]
grommento snarl [of a dog]
opvolgento succeed [as a successor]
verklappento give away [a secret]
blussento put out [a fire]
medeplichtig {adj}accessory [helping in a crime]
aantredento accept [a position in office]
motorrijdento bike [coll.] [ride a motorcycle]
begrenzento bound [form a boundary, restrict]
oplopen [een ziekte]to contract [a disease]
afstappento dismount [from a horse etc.]
tekenento draw [with a pencil etc.]
emitterento emit [heat, radiation, a sound]
uitstralento emit [heat, radiation, a sound]
uitzendento emit [heat, radiation, a sound]
piepento peep [make a brief sound]
aftappento tap [e.g. a phone]
theater akte {de}act [in a play]
lemmet {het}blade [of a knife]
archi. kapiteel {het}capital [of a column]
Unverified prijsvraag {de}competition [to win a prize]
Unverified prijsvraag {de}contest [to win a prize]
kled. manchet {de}cuff [on a sleeve]
naut. afvaart {de}departure [of a vessel]
auto portier {het}door [of a vehicle]
verk. afrit {de}exit [of a highway]
lichaamslengte {de}height [of a person]
verassing {de}incineration [of a body]
toets {de}key [on a keyboard]
zweepslag {de}lash [with a whip]
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