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Dutch-English translation for: [for:]
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Dictionary Dutch English: [for ]

Translation 1 - 53 of 53

aannemento engage [for a job]
kinderverzorgster {de}caregiver [for child]
kruk {de}crutch [for disabled]
kooi {de}fold [for sheep]
agr. voeder {het}food [for animals]
wapens pijlkoker {de}quiver [for arrows]
speelg. step {de}scooter [for children]
ruimte {de} [voor]scope [for]
briefomslag {de} {het}envelope [for letters]
Partial Matches
fys. tech. Unverified gyroscoop {de}gyro [short for: gyroscope]
strijkijzer {het}iron [for ironing clothes]
verk. parkeerautomaat {de}ticket machine [for parking]
gastr. stamtafel {de}[table reserved for regular guests]
milieu milieufactor {de}ecofactor [short for: ecological factor]
wisk. palindroompriemgetal {het}palprime [short for: palindromic prime]
luchtv. landingsbaan {de}runway [when used for landing]
wisk. Unverified trigonometrie {de}trig [coll.] [short for: trigonometry]
... te huur... to let [available for rent]
stappen [omg.]to go out [for a drink]
kattenbak {de} [kattentoilet]litter box [for cats]
babyfles {de}feeding milk bottle [for babies]
bij {prep}for [e.g. to work for a company]
winkelento shop [for clothing, shoes, CDs, books, etc.]
genees. toeval {de} {het}fit [short for: epileptic fit]
ontstopper {de} [plopper]plunger [for clearing blocked pipes]
muziek altsaxofoon {de}alto sax [short for: alto saxophone]
muziek baritonsaxofoon {de}baritone sax [short for: baritone saxophone]
nucl. koelbekken {het}holding basin [for spent atomic fuel]
muziek tenorsaxofoon {de}tenor sax [short for: tenor saxophone]
boodschappen doento shop [for groceries or other basic necessities]
genees. opl. geneeskundestudent {de}medic [esp. Br.] [coll. for medical student]
hok {het}pen [small enclosure for animals, esp. pigs]
fiets fietsbel {de}bike bell [coll.] [short for: bicycle bell]
muziek theater liefdesduet {het}love duet [for or by two singers]
zeg. in voor- en tegenspoedfor better or (for) worse
kled. joggingbroek {de}joggers {pl} [one pair] [trousers worn especially for jogging]
genees. opl. medische student {de}medic [esp. Br.] [coll. for medical student]
deelnemerslijst {de}attendance list [e.g. for conference, meeting etc.]
film theater lievelingsacteur {de}fave actor [coll.] [short for: favorite / favourite actor]
film theater lievelingsactrice {de}fave actress [coll.] [short for: favorite / favourite actress]
muziek lievelingsband {de}fave band [coll.] [short for: favorite / favourite band]
kostgrond {de} [SN][a plot of rainforest cleared for subsistence agriculture]
op stap gaanto go out [leave one's house, for entertainment]
film theater favoriete acteur {de}fave actor [coll.] [short for: favorite / favourite actor]
film theater favoriete actrice {de}fave actress [coll.] [short for: favorite / favourite actress]
Heb je een vuurtje?Have you got a light? [for a cigarette]
iem./iets passeren [met de auto, etc.]to overtake sb./sth. [esp. Br. for: pass]
dienen om iets te doento be for sth. [e.g. an axe is for felling trees]
muziek favoriete band {de}fave band [coll.] [short for: favorite / favourite band]
spreekw. Wie a zegt moet ook b zeggen.In for a penny, in for a pound.
spreekw. Wie A zegt, moet ook B zeggen.In for a penny, in for a pound.
naut. sextant {de}sextant [for navigation]
kwekerij {de} [SN][A farm where plants are grown, in particular for saplings, flowers and fruits (including culinary vegetables), often without harvesting the entire plant unless it is used as a sapling]
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