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Dutch-English translation for: [also:]
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Dictionary Dutch English: [also ]

Translation 1 - 64 of 64

ook {adv}too [also]
pol. relig. Unverified aartsconservatief {adj}ultraconservative [also: ultra-conservative]
myth. relig. Hekate {de}Hecate [also: Hekate]
draagwijdte {de}scope [also fig.]
geogr. zee {de}sea [also fig.]
kunst vorticisme {het}vorticism [also: Vorticism]
Partial Matches
kaal {adj}bald [head, tree, also liter.]
genees. ziekenhuispatiënt {de}inpatient [also: in-patient]
aanzoek {het}proposal [also of marriage]
dwerg {de}pygmy [dwarf, also fig.]
pol. sociol. antiracist {de}anti-racist [also: antiracist]
serverento serve [food etc., also in sports]
biblio. publ. flaptekst {de}blurb [also: dust cover blurb]
sport gymnastiek {de}gymnastics {pl} [also treated as {sg}]
dwerg {de}pigmy [spv.] [dwarf, also fig.]
muziek barokcomponist {de}baroque composer [also: Baroque composer]
gastr. champagneflûte {de}champagne flute [also: champagne flûte]
kinderhater {de}child hater [also: child-hater]
koelbox {de}cool box [Br.] [also: coolbox]
psych. werk gestaltpsycholoog {de}Gestalt psychologist [also: gestalt psychologist]
briefweger {de}letter scale [also: letter-scale]
verk. stopteken {het}stop sign [also: STOP sign]
entom. T Unverified palmtak {de}palm branch [also palm frond]
kettingroker {de}chain smoker [Br. also: chain-smoker]
genees. jonesfractuur {de}Jones fracture [also: Jones's fracture]
wisk. legendretransformatie {de}Legendre transformation [also: Legendre's transformation]
geogr. Zuid-Europa {het}Southern Europe [also: southern Europe]
calciumbron {de}source of calcium [also: calcium source]
handel weggeefprijs {de}knockdown price [coll.] [also: knock-down price]
de buikriem aanhalento tighten one's belt [also fig.]
openluchtmuseum {het}open-air museum [also: open air museum]
zoöl. T
vogelk. T
meid {de}maid [female servant, also archaic or poet.] [maiden]
mil. naut. Zwarte Zeevloot {de}Black Sea Fleet [also: Black Sea fleet]
entom. T
gesch. mil. Tachtigjarige Oorlog {de}Eighty Years' War [also: Dutch War of Independence]
archeo. UWE Piramiden {mv} van GizehPyramids of Giza [also: pyramids of Giza]
entom. T Unverified sagopalm {de} [ook metroxylon sagu]metroxylon sagu [ also true sago palm]
vogelk. T
vogelk. T
vis T
zoöl. T
vogelk. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
body {de} {het} [enkel bij wijn]body [also wine]
duik {de} [ook fig.]plunge [downward movement] [also fig.]
vergif {het} [van dieren, ook fig.]venom [also fig.]
bot. vijgenblad {het} [ook fig.]fig leaf [also fig.]
zorgenkind {het} [ook fig.]problem child [also fig.]
vogelk. T
voetlicht {het} [ook fig.]limelight [also fig.]
mijlpaal {de} [ook fig.]milestone [also fig.]
top {de} [ook pol.]summit [also pol.]
kunst F Unverified Morgenrit langs het strand [Anton Mauve]Morning Ride along the Beach [also: Morning Ride on the Beach]
wisk. contractiestelling {de} van BanachBanach fixed-point theorem [also: Banach-Caccioppoli fixed-point theorem]
Unverified tegen een stootje kunnen [ook fig.]to be able to take a hit [also fig.]
myth. Clymene {de}Clymene [also: Klymene]
gesch. Sahoere {de} [ook: Sahoera] [farao van de 5e dynastie]Sahure [also: Sahura] [pharaoh of the 5th dynasty]
zeg. op iemands maag liggen als een baksteen [ook fig.]to sit heavily on sb.'s stomach [also fig.]
wisk. stelling {de} van Cayley-HamiltonCayley-Hamilton theorem [also: theorem of Cayley-Hamilton]
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