| Dutch | English  |  |
 | ooit {adv} | 2 once [at some time in the past] |  |
 | spreekw. Als een oude schuur brandt, is er geen blussen aan. [BN] | [If an old person falls in love, there's no stopping him. Literally: If an old barn catches fire, it's hard to put out the fire.] |  |
 | wetenschapshistorisch {adj} | [pertaining to the history of science] |  |
Verbs |
 | zweven | to float [in the air] |  |
 | [het toilet] doorspoelen | to flush [the toilet] |  |
 | [het toilet] doortrekken | to flush [the toilet] |  |
Nouns |
 | gesch. persoonsbewijs {het} <PB> | 2 [identity card required by the German administration during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands] |  |
 | geogr. Californië {het} [staat van de Verenigde Staten] | 2 California <CA, Calif.> [The Golden State] |  |
 | kwekerij {de} [SN] | [A farm where plants are grown, in particular for saplings, flowers and fruits (including culinary vegetables), often without harvesting the entire plant unless it is used as a sapling] |  |
 | inheemse {het} [SN] | [a person belonging to the indigenous population of any country or region] |  |
 | Unverified bazuinkoor {de} [SN] | [a small brass ensemble, often with percussion, that plays festive and religious music in the tradition of the Moravian Church on special occasions such as birthdays and funerals] |  |
 | Unverified basya {de} [SN] | [Amerindian assistant village chief; the lowest tier in the hierarchy of tribal authority] |  |
 | parastataal {noun} [SN] [BN] | [relating to a company or agency controlled by the government but organizationally separate from it ] |  |
 | paars {noun} [SN] | [relating to the National Democratic Party] |  |
 | Unverified baksies {de} [SN] | [something that is given free of charge with a purchase, usually more of the same product, by way of a discount.] |  |
 | matjok {het} [SN] | [the local variant of mahjong most widely played in Suriname] |  |
 | geogr. Alaska {het} [staat van de Verenigde Staten] | Alaska <AK> [The Last Frontier] |  |
 | geogr. Arkansas {het} [staat van de Verenigde Staten] | Arkansas <AR> [The Natural State] |  |
 | doen {het} opnemen in een instelling | commitment [the official consignment of a person to a mental hospital or prison] |  |
 | geogr. Delaware {het} [staat van de Verenigde Staten] | Delaware <DE> [The First State] |  |
 | mineral. smaragd {het} | emerald [the material] |  |
 | econ. kostenraming {de} | estimate [of the cost] |  |
 | astron. esot. Tweelingen {mv} <♊> [sterrenbeeld, astrologisch teken] | Gemini <♊> [constellation, sign of the zodiac] |  |
 | geogr. Georgia {het} [staat van de Verenigde Staten] | Georgia <GA> [Peach State, Empire State of the South] |  |
 | Georgiër {de} | Georgian [native of the country of Georgia] |  |
 | valuta gulden {de} | guilder [former Dutch and Surinamese currency, still used in the Netherlands Antilles] |  |
 | kern {de} [van een zaak] | heart [fig.] [e.g. the heart of the matter] |  |
 | marineblauw {het} | navy [the color] [navy blue] |  |
 | leeftijdgenoot {de} | peer [person of the same age] |  |
 | geogr. urban. randstad {de} | Randstad {f} [West-Dutch conurbation comprising the cities of The Hague, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht] |  |
 | band {het} | ribbon [the material] |  |
 | band {de} | ribbon [the object] |  |
 | gesch. Sahoere {de} [ook: Sahoera] [farao van de 5e dynastie] | Sahure [also: Sahura] [pharaoh of the 5th dynasty] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | gesch. Unverified ginds {adv} | over there [on the other side of the Berlin wall] |  |
 | Met vriendelijke groeten, | Yours faithfully, [Br.] [at the end of a letter in which the recipient is not addressed by name] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | lievelingsseizoen {het} | favorite season [Am.] [of the year] |  |
 | Koningsdag {de} [NN] | King's Day [national holiday in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, marking the king's birthday] |  |
 | marineblauw {het} | navy blue [the color] |  |
 | sociol. jeugdidool {het} | teenage idol [idol of the young] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | met de dag {adv} | by the day [+ comparative, e. g., better by the day] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | geogr. Duin- en Bollenstreek {de} | Dune and Bulb Region [region in the Western Netherlands that features coastal dunes and the cultivation of flower bulbs] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | midden op de dag {adv} | in the middle of the day |  |
 | in naam van de koning {adv} | in the name of the king |  |
 | spreekw. Acht is meer dan duizend. | Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves. |  |
 | spreekw. Nu komt de aap uit de mouw. | The cat is out of the bag. |  |
 | spreekw. De morgenstond heeft goud in de mond. | The early bird catches the worm. |  |
 | zeg. Als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen op tafel. | When the cat's away, the mice will play. |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | spreekw. met het verkeerde been uit bed stappen | to get up on the wrong side of the bed |  |
 | spreekw. Unverified Nu komt de aap uit de mouw | to let the cat out of the bag |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | kunst F Morgenrit langs het strand [Anton Mauve] | Morning Ride along the Beach [also: Morning Ride on the Beach] |  |
 | lit. F Een rooie aan de kant van de weg | Redhead by the Side of the Road [Anne Tyler] |  |
 | lit. F Het wonderbaarlijke voorval met de hond in de nacht | The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [Mark Haddon] |  |
 | lit. F De droom van de Ier [Mario Vargas Llosa] | The Dream of the Celt |  |
 | lit. F De man in het bruine pak | The Man in the Brown Suit [Agatha Christie] |  |
 | lit. F De Romeinse lusthof | The Mansions of the Gods |  |
 | lit. F Moord in de pastorie | The Murder at the Vicarage [Agatha Christie] |  |
 | lit. F Moord op de golflinks | The Murder on the Links [Agatha Christie] |  |
 | film lit. F De oude man en de zee | The Old Man and the Sea [novel: Ernest Hemingway, film: John Sturges] |  |
 | lit. F De heilige Antonio [Arnon Grunberg] | The Saint of the Impossible |  |
 | lit. F De schreeuw van het lam | The Silence of the Lambs [Thomas Harris] |  |
 | lit. F De stad en de honden [Mario Vargas Llosa] | The Time of the Hero |  |
 | lit. F De vrouw en de aap [Peter Høeg] | The Woman and The Ape |  |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
 | vis T | |  |