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Dutch-English translation for: [The]
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Dictionary Dutch English: [The]

Translation 1 - 63 of 63

ooit {adv}
once [at some time in the past]
spreekw. Als een oude schuur brandt, is er geen blussen aan. [BN][If an old person falls in love, there's no stopping him. Literally: If an old barn catches fire, it's hard to put out the fire.]
wetenschapshistorisch {adj}[pertaining to the history of science]
zwevento float [in the air]
[het toilet] doorspoelento flush [the toilet]
[het toilet] doortrekkento flush [the toilet]
gesch. persoonsbewijs {het} <PB>
[identity card required by the German administration during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands]
geogr. Californië {het} [staat van de Verenigde Staten]
California <CA, Calif.> [The Golden State]
kwekerij {de} [SN][A farm where plants are grown, in particular for saplings, flowers and fruits (including culinary vegetables), often without harvesting the entire plant unless it is used as a sapling]
inheemse {het} [SN][a person belonging to the indigenous population of any country or region]
Unverified bazuinkoor {de} [SN][a small brass ensemble, often with percussion, that plays festive and religious music in the tradition of the Moravian Church on special occasions such as birthdays and funerals]
Unverified basya {de} [SN][Amerindian assistant village chief; the lowest tier in the hierarchy of tribal authority]
parastataal {noun} [SN] [BN][relating to a company or agency controlled by the government but organizationally separate from it ]
paars {noun} [SN][relating to the National Democratic Party]
Unverified baksies {de} [SN][something that is given free of charge with a purchase, usually more of the same product, by way of a discount.]
matjok {het} [SN][the local variant of mahjong most widely played in Suriname]
geogr. Alaska {het} [staat van de Verenigde Staten]Alaska <AK> [The Last Frontier]
geogr. Arkansas {het} [staat van de Verenigde Staten]Arkansas <AR> [The Natural State]
doen {het} opnemen in een instellingcommitment [the official consignment of a person to a mental hospital or prison]
geogr. Delaware {het} [staat van de Verenigde Staten]Delaware <DE> [The First State]
mineral. smaragd {het}emerald [the material]
econ. kostenraming {de}estimate [of the cost]
astron. esot. Tweelingen {mv} <♊> [sterrenbeeld, astrologisch teken]Gemini <♊> [constellation, sign of the zodiac]
geogr. Georgia {het} [staat van de Verenigde Staten]Georgia <GA> [Peach State, Empire State of the South]
Georgiër {de}Georgian [native of the country of Georgia]
valuta gulden {de}guilder [former Dutch and Surinamese currency, still used in the Netherlands Antilles]
kern {de} [van een zaak]heart [fig.] [e.g. the heart of the matter]
marineblauw {het}navy [the color] [navy blue]
leeftijdgenoot {de}peer [person of the same age]
geogr. urban. randstad {de}Randstad {f} [West-Dutch conurbation comprising the cities of The Hague, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht]
band {het}ribbon [the material]
band {de}ribbon [the object]
gesch. Sahoere {de} [ook: Sahoera] [farao van de 5e dynastie]Sahure [also: Sahura] [pharaoh of the 5th dynasty]
2 Words: Others
gesch. Unverified ginds {adv}over there [on the other side of the Berlin wall]
Met vriendelijke groeten,Yours faithfully, [Br.] [at the end of a letter in which the recipient is not addressed by name]
2 Words: Nouns
lievelingsseizoen {het}favorite season [Am.] [of the year]
Koningsdag {de} [NN]King's Day [national holiday in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, marking the king's birthday]
marineblauw {het}navy blue [the color]
sociol. jeugdidool {het}teenage idol [idol of the young]
3 Words: Others
met de dag {adv}by the day [+ comparative, e. g., better by the day]
4 Words: Nouns
geogr. Duin- en Bollenstreek {de}Dune and Bulb Region [region in the Western Netherlands that features coastal dunes and the cultivation of flower bulbs]
5+ Words: Others
midden op de dag {adv}in the middle of the day
in naam van de koning {adv}in the name of the king
spreekw. Acht is meer dan duizend.Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves.
spreekw. Nu komt de aap uit de mouw.The cat is out of the bag.
spreekw. De morgenstond heeft goud in de mond.The early bird catches the worm.
zeg. Als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen op tafel.When the cat's away, the mice will play.
5+ Words: Verbs
spreekw. met het verkeerde been uit bed stappento get up on the wrong side of the bed
spreekw. Unverified Nu komt de aap uit de mouwto let the cat out of the bag
Fiction (Literature and Film)
kunst F Morgenrit langs het strand [Anton Mauve]Morning Ride along the Beach [also: Morning Ride on the Beach]
lit. F Een rooie aan de kant van de wegRedhead by the Side of the Road [Anne Tyler]
lit. F Het wonderbaarlijke voorval met de hond in de nachtThe Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [Mark Haddon]
lit. F De droom van de Ier [Mario Vargas Llosa]The Dream of the Celt
lit. F De man in het bruine pakThe Man in the Brown Suit [Agatha Christie]
lit. F De Romeinse lusthofThe Mansions of the Gods
lit. F Moord in de pastorieThe Murder at the Vicarage [Agatha Christie]
lit. F Moord op de golflinksThe Murder on the Links [Agatha Christie]
film lit. F De oude man en de zeeThe Old Man and the Sea [novel: Ernest Hemingway, film: John Sturges]
lit. F De heilige Antonio [Arnon Grunberg]The Saint of the Impossible
lit. F De schreeuw van het lamThe Silence of the Lambs [Thomas Harris]
lit. F De stad en de honden [Mario Vargas Llosa]The Time of the Hero
lit. F De vrouw en de aap [Peter Høeg]The Woman and The Ape
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
vis T
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