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Dutch-English translation for: [OR-6]
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Dictionary Dutch English: [OR 6]

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Partial Matches
chem. telluurzuur {het} [H6TeO6, Te(OH)6]telluric acid
geogr. schoorwal {de}sandspit [deposition bar or beach landform off coasts or lake shores]
geogr. schoorwal {de}spit [deposition bar or beach landform off coasts or lake shores]
waarheen {adv}whereto [archaic or formal]
scheef {adj}crooked [not level or straight]
aanwinst {de}acquisition [asset or object]
benaming {de}term [word or phrase]
opl. opleiding {de}tuition [teaching or instruction]
fys. luchtv. aerodynamica {de}aerodynamics [treated as {sg} or {pl}]
centrale {de}headquarters {pl} [treated as sing. or pl.]
hoofdvestiging {de}headquarters {pl} [treated as sing. or pl.]
ros {het} [verouderd]steed [archaic or liter.]
uitstappento get off [a vehicle or vessel]
econ. voed. koffieproducent {de}coffee producer [company or country]
econ. material koperproducent {de}copper producer [company or country]
taal. belgicisme {het}Belgicism [Belgian Dutch word or phrase]
tweesprong {de}fork [in a road or path]
politiek {de}politics {pl} [with singular or plural verb]
tegenkomento come across [find or meet by chance]
comput. computergrafiek {de}computer graphics [treated as sg. or pl.]
opl. genderstudies {mv}gender studies [treated as sg. or pl.]
pol. partijcentrale {de}party headquarters [treated as sg. or pl.]
terechtkomento land [after jumping up or down from somewhere]
boodschappen doento shop [for groceries or other basic necessities]
kluwen {de} {het}ball [of thread, yarn, or cord]
bot. T
muziek theater liefdesduet {het}love duet [for or by two singers]
kluwen {de} {het}clew [ball of thread, yarn, or cord]
meid {de}maid [female servant, also archaic or poet.] [maiden]
genees. mazelen {mv}measles {pl} [used with a singular or plural verb]
pol. symboolpolitiek {de}symbolic politics [treated as sg. or (less often) pl.]
granman {de} [SN][paramount chief of a Maroon or Amerindian tribe]
spreekw. Dat zit wel snor.[When something is all right and/or safe]
gastr. sterrenrestaurant {het}star-awarded restaurant [awarded with one or more Michelin stars]
inheemse {het} [SN][a person belonging to the indigenous population of any country or region]
loperij {de} [SN][going to one government or company office after another to get paperwork in order]
boven de 50 {adv}over 50 [items or age]
onder de 50 {adv}under 50 [items or age]
lengte {de} [van persoon, plant]height [of a person or plant]
parastataal {noun} [SN] [BN][relating to a company or agency controlled by the government but organizationally separate from it ]
doen {het} opnemen in een instellingcommitment [the official consignment of a person to a mental hospital or prison]
tussen de 12 en de 15 {adv}between 12 and 15 [items or age]
journ. kinderpagina {de} [in een krant of magazine]children's page [in a newspaper or magazine]
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