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Dutch-English translation for: [E-514]
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Dictionary Dutch English: [E 514]

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chem. natriumsulfaat {het} [Na₂SO₄] [E-514]sodium sulfate [Am.]
chem. voed. natriumsulfaat {het} [Na₂SO₄] [E-514]sodium sulphate [Br.]
Partial Matches
schichtig {adj}skittish [e.g. horse]
bouwk. ongewapend {adj}unreinforced [e.g. concrete]
westers {adj}Western [e.g. countries]
transp. Unverified overstappenchange [e.g. train]
belastento charge [e.g. taxes]
bijleggen [goedmaken]to settle [e.g. dispute]
aftappento tap [e.g. a phone]
entom. vakt. voed. bijenwas {de} {het}beeswax [E-901]
onderbrekento cut short [e.g. holiday]
chem. voed. citroenzuur {het} [E-330]citric acid
chem. voed. stearinezuur {het} [E-570]stearic acid
landelijk {adj} [krant / dagblad]national [e.g. newspaper]
opgenomen {adj} {past-p} [bijv. muziek]recorded [e.g. music]
gastr. berlinerbol {de}doughnut [e.g. jam doughnut]
verk. autobaan {de}motorway [Br.] [e.g. M1]
snelweg {de}motorway [Br.] [e.g. M1]
chem. voed. montaanzuur {het} [ C28H56O2] [E-912]montanic acid
chem. voed. kaliumbromaat {het} [KBrO3] [E-924]potassium bromate
chem. voed. kaliumchloride {het} [KCl] [E-508]potassium chloride
chem. voed. kaliumsorbaat {het} [C6H7KO2] [E-202]potassium sorbate
chem. voed. natriumnitraat {het} [NaNO₃] [E-251]sodium nitrate
chem. voed. sorbinezuur {het} [C6H8O2] [E-200]sorbic acid
chem. barnsteenzuur {het} [C4H6O4] [E-363]succinic acid
bij {prep}for [e.g. to work for a company]
aan iets voldoento satisfy sth. [e.g. requirements]
leuning {de}arm [e.g. of a chair]
verbastering {de}corruption [e.g. of a word]
zoöl. welp {de} {het}cub [e.g. lion cub]
aureool {de}halo [e.g. of a saint]
sport speelveld {het}pitch [Br.] [e.g. football pitch]
aandeel {het}share [e.g. in a company]
kled. kleding {de}wear [clothing: e.g. casual wear]
aanstaan [ingeschakeld zijn]to be running [e.g. motor]
verkerento find oneself [e.g. in a situation]
chem. voed. zoutzuur {het} [HC1(aq)] [E-507]hydrochloric acid
chem. voed. kaliumacetaat {het} [C2H3KO2, CH3COOK] [E-261]potassium acetate
chem. voed. kaliumbenzoaat {het} [C7H5KO2, C6H5COOK] [E-212]potassium benzoate
chem. voed. kaliumsulfaat {het} [K2SO4] [E-515]potassium sulfate [Am.]
chem. voed. kaliumsulfaat {het} [K2SO4] [E-515]potassium sulphate [Br.]
bol {de} [bijv. bloembol]bulb [e.g. flower bulb]
keerzij {de}reverse [e.g. of a coin, medal]
keerzijde {de}reverse [e.g. of a coin, medal]
schaal {de}scale [e.g. of a map, model]
chem. voed. magnesiumhydroxide {het} [Mg(OH)2] [E-528]magnesium hydroxide
aanstaan [ingeschakeld zijn]to be (turned) on [e.g. radio]
aan iets voldoento meet sth. [satisfy sth., e.g. requirements]
begroeiento overgrow [cover with growth, e.g. vegetation, bacteria etc.]
raffinerento refine [remove impurities, e.g. in metal, sugar etc.]
zintuig {het} [bijv. gezicht, gehoor]sense [e.g. sight, smell]
deelnemerslijst {de}attendance list [e.g. for conference, meeting etc.]
chem. zwavelzuur {het} [Acidum sulfuricum] [H2SO4, E 513]sulfuric acid [Am.]
dik {adv} [bijv. een dik uur]good [e.g. a good hour]
met de dag {adv}by the day [+ comparative, e. g., better by the day]
dienen om iets te doento be for sth. [e.g. an axe is for felling trees]
tube {de}tube [e.g. tube of toothpaste, paint, glue]
zwak {adj} [b.v. een argument]tenuous [e.g. a point in an argument]
dienen om iets te doento be used to do sth. [e.g. windows are used to let light in]
kern {de} [van een zaak]heart [fig.] [e.g. the heart of the matter]
entom. T
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